My Punk Patches

Punk is the best way I can explain these patches. I made them with bits from old jean material and a needle and thread.

bat patch

A bat patch that I created. This was a pain to sew onto my clothes as I placed it near a pocket.

spider patch

A spider patch. I was inspired by a similar patch that I saw on Pinterest.

cassette patch

A cassette patch. It came out a little crooked but I referenced my own cassettes in my collection. It's called Future because I was listening to an album with the word in it. (ik its kinda random.)

glass patch

A patch with a pattern of broken glass. (or a spiderweb, which ever one.) This one was fun to make because of the random nature of broken glass.

dog patch

A patch with a dog on it. First started off as a sketch of me trying a different style of drawing, now it has a new life as a patch. (the dead is supposed to symbolize being dead inside.)

barbed wire patch

A patch with barbed wire in it. This one took me a few days to complete. The frame is supposed to be a window that shows barbed wire, I guess.

cat patch

A patch with a cat saying "You dick head". This is the first patch I've ever made. A sticker I really liked inspired me to make this patch, it has a cat on it saying the same phrase. Thought it would be funny to have it as a patch.

spiderweb collar decoration

Not a patch, but this is the first clothing modification I did. Both sides of the collar of that jacket have spiderweb patterns on it. One of them was done with a machine, other was done by hand (pictured). The camera patch and sun pin are not made by me.